15 July 2008

Seal (ed) in Ljubljana

My Seal oddisey continues. (Here is the first part) This time Seal visited my hometown Ljubljana and to be honest i wasn't expecitng much in terms of good images outcome. We were originally scheduled to be shooting from quite a distance, but at the end they let us work at side stage, two groups and we got sealed behind the barrier. Luckily there was a stage extension into the crowd, a catwalk, where Seal stayed much of the concert. This meant more or less profile images all the time as he was looking directly into the crowd, however we did get some looks and interesting contrasts as he had a direct spotlight beam into his white dress. Not the easiest job, as you end up with overexposed images quite fast. The concert was a true pop show, lots of crowd communication and everyone liked that. Here are some moments. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Sem slišal, da je bil dober koncert.
Fotke pa take, ki izžarevajo Seala, karizmatične.

P.S.: Tista podolgovata mi je najbolj všeč. ;)

mankica said...

Ja, koncert je bil zares super. Ali pa smo se samo mi tok zabavali :)) drugače pa je super tale tazadnja slikica - ženska, ki mu je podala roko je imela na notranji strani dlani molek z lesenim križem. stala je ob meni in samo čakala sem, kdaj bo omedlela, ko ji bo Seal dal roko. Bila je resnično v nekem povsem nadzemeljskem katarzičnem stanju. In potem, ko se je dotkanila njegovih prstov, je kar začela kriliti z rokami naokoli...

Anonymous said...

Niiice. Super fotke. Saj ponavadi, ko je izziv, ratajo še boljše.
Jaz seveda nisem dobil (v Sloveniji pač ne gre), press akr pa nisem hotel, ker je namenjena novinarjem, ki imajo kje objavit tekst. Dela jim pa ne bom odžiral. Mogoče sem čudna žival zaradi tega v Slo, ampak tak pač sem.

Anonymous said...

Bravo, spet!

Pa sorry, da se vedno cakas na mail. Trenutno je taka casovna stiska, da se cas za spat komaj najdem. :) Kdaj prideta v NY?