23 February 2009

Oasis - from snow to a great show

After few days off and some great skiing in Italy, another great thing came and took me and my camera to work. Oasis came to Treviso and did a great show. I saw them for the first time and was happy to be in the pit for the time allowed. Shows in Italy are always very good, simply because italian fans are super wild and loud from song one, and bands simply love it. Here are some moments for all Oasis fans ... Enjoy!


david santos said...


Primož Vintar said...

woow nice photos!
Oasis are great!

uros said...

najslabse koncerte sm dozivel v italiji, k itak nc ne stekajo kaj v anglescini nastopajoci govorijo, vsi neki storjijo na mir, grejo na koncert ker je to zgleda kul al kaj :)
moje izkusne

pete said...

.super fotke! tudi jaz sem bil na tem koncertu, ampak moje fotke so z navadnim digitalcem narejene in ne pridejo tvojim do kolen.. :)

.me pa zanima dvoje in sicer:
- kolk daleč si bil ter
- s kakšnim fotoaparatom so bile fotke napravljene?

Miro said...


fotoreporterje nas ponavadi spustijo v prostor pred oder in med ljudi..kjer si blizu in se lahko premikas..

slikam pa s canon 1d mk II in različnimi objektivi..


kar se tice anglescine morda res, samo po mojih izkusnjah so kar feni, norijo, majo se fajn...jim dogaja...vsekakor niso tolk hladni kot npr avstrijci..tam se mora bend res potrudit :)

Curtis Copeland said...

Nice images! Great concert photography. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

I must to say i love the snow, the cold climate, although i´m not a child anymore i remember my happy childhood and all the beutiful time that i spent with all my friends. Now when is snowing i prefer to spend my time with my boyfriend, most of all that he decided to buy viagra, we enjoy all the time.