18 June 2008
Radar 2008 or mission Bob Dylan
Radar 2008 happened in Varaždin, Croatia. I came there early, drove out with Vlado Kreslin and his band in a van, that was pretty cool actually. It didn't look too good, as there was just heavy rain all over but soon it cleared up a bit and it stayed with no rain up untill the end. This year Radar festival brought THE man and legend Bob Dylan, Manic Street Preachers, Majke, Vlado Kreslin and Drago Mlinarec. Of course, my mission was to get some pictures of him on stage, unfortunately, and i knew this before, there was no photo passes for him (in fact, there are none for several years now as i heard). So, after unsucessfull negotiations with Dylan's tour manager, ton of security scouting for lens in the crowd, all over place, backstage pass and lots of positive thinking, we were sent out of the venue after Manic Street Preachers and given a piece of paper saying any picture taking will be prosecuted. It was the first time i was given something like this, but that's Bob Dylan, i guess :) So, "officially" i didn't take any pictures of him ...but here are few shots of other acts and a video of Bob Dylan on stage i found on YouTube. Hopefully Bob comes back someday and allows us to take a few shots of him on stage. Everyone would be so happy :)
... lead singer Bare, was in "a good mood" - he saw me taking pictures on stage, and this is how he saw me :) That was very funny!
... altough i didn't know much of their music, also the stage was pretty high and monitors obstructed the view...
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Eni pač ne rabijo publicitete očitno. Dost slab, da tvoje delo v bistvu označijo za kriminal. Težko razumeti. Predvsem ko veš, da so tebe vrgli ven, tisoče folka je pa notri s kompakti fotkalo, ne da bi managment ali organizator vedel, da imajo dovolj zmogljive kompakte, da fotke lahko objavijo in kar je še huje, da uredniki ne jebejo več tolk kvalitete, če kaj rabijo, in take fotke dejansko objavljajo. Oni pa mislijo, da s tem ko press vržejo ven, kaj naredijo. Kdaj se bodo naučili, da so koncerti javni?
No, toliko malo jajcanja, sicer pa kul fotke.
Bare legenda :) kul fotka(e)
A so vam potem nazaj med publiko spustili, vidim (v Stopu) da ti je še vedno uspelo stisnit eno od zadaj.
Samo - uradno je fotkal Dylana samo en hrvaški fotkič, pa še ta iz sredine stadiona..
sem pa mel s seboj tamal apratek, koncert pa sem tudi gledal...
:) sej razumem ...
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