11 June 2008

When first lady visits National Gallery

I had 20 minutes before i had to leave for Brdo ( to photograph George Bush, Janez Janša and Jose Barroso during a press conference) on a special media bus, and managed to get at the National Gallery in Ljubljana just minutes before Laura Bush and her motorcade arrived there for a visit.

What first seemed like a calm situation (ok, with special police all over, closed streets and fences all over) then turned into unbreakable barricade. This is how it looked when a group of Pool photographers and cameramen ( these are selected few representing major media that are allowed to go into the gallery for two or tree photo opportuniuties). As you can see their equipment was checked all over first by bomb sniffing dog, each camera was manually triggered a couple of times and tele lenses were looked into. Can you guess what happened after the last picture? :)


Anonymous said...

Nekam prijateljsko gre proti tebi :) hmm...

maja said...

dokler ti spodnje perilo ne pregledujejo, razdirajo objektive, brskajo po torbi, preglejujejo žepe ... in vse skupaj traja cca 1 uro, je še vse ok, verjemi.. :)

aja še ugibam, kaj se je pol zgodilo: je komu bomba eksplodirala?

Anonymous said...

Teh američanov je sam sebe strah. Sam bi se vprašal kaj sem komu naredil, da sem v takšni nevarnosti.

Mimogrede, iz Zagreba je uspel kaj fotk?