28 June 2009

Sinéad O'Connor

Sinéad O'Connor - one 2 one mini session for 3 minutes in a hotel in Ljubljana before her concert in Križanke. She is very quiet, but altough she suffered a lot in her career still sings beautifull and i loved the concert.


Darja said...

Wooow. Tole je pa zelo netipicna Sinead. Super si jo ujel. Nekaj, kar nihče nima.

Petra Nuzdorfer said...

Miro, pogrešam tvojo fotko s koncerta samega :(

Miro said...

Tokrat bo ostala gor samo tale..koncertne so bile že drugje..ti pa so vedno kakšne neklasične fotke, you know :)

PictCanTalk said...

hmm she looked so old