12 October 2007

I was told mine is too big - Muse

Strange things happen from time to time. A very funny one happened on tuesday in Zagreb after the concert of Muse (for those of you not familiar, it is a progressive/alternative rock band from UK who recently sold out Wembley stadium twice = 160.000 people, very popular and good) . We were waiting outside for the band to come out to the street and sign for the fans. I had a plan to get some good portraits of the guys during their meetings with the fans as there were no meet and greets or interviews possible before. Well after one hour of waiting and getting a bit cold they finally came, one by one, and i started taking pictures. Of course i was using my 580 EX flash and suddenly the big security guy from the band comes and tells me i am not allowed to take pictures there, as my flash is too big and that i should go away? WTF!!! He did not care about 100 or so fans with compact cameras flashing like crazy, but my flash was too big for him. Not really professional! But it happens. Strange world of rock stars that is.....Anyway, the concert was ok, we had fun and here are some pics from the stage. Note an interesting addition to Matthews guitar which really does weird sound effects.


Anže said...

Hehe, tisto ta prvo tvojo (mojo zadnjo) sva pa ob skoraj istem trenutku nardila, samo iz drugega zornega kota =).

BTW, a ni fajn met tok velkega? =)) Ampak podpise smo ti pa vseen zrihtal, lol.

Anonymous said...

tist kar ma na kitari je fingrped kar jih ma vecina na sintu. on je pac car in ma to kr na kitari in se obvlada uporablat

Anže said...

Matt ma na kitari še tisoč drugih stvari =)... kitare mu namreč čisto po njegovih specifikacijah dela Hugh Manson (http://www.mansonguitars.co.uk/)

Se pa strinjam da tip obvlada :)

Anonymous said...

Dobre, prva je res kul, ko ti je še malo posvetlo v objektiv :)

Drugače pa Muse trgajo gate:


Anonymous said...

cakam na "moje" :)

Anonymous said...

Tale varnostnik ima ziher majnega, pa mora svojo moč izkazovat nad fotografom...